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Seeking Out and Exploring Inspirational Forces
(C) 2015 Eyes Wide Open. All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 16, 2015

Roaming In Nowhere

By Jim Koury, Seeker of Inspirational Forces
© 2015 James R. Koury.  All Rights Reserved.


As we progress through our lives certain situations are presented to us that are meant to teach us invaluable lessons about ourselves.  However, the value of the lesson is dependent upon our willingness to embrace the knowledge to be gained from the experience.  By living the lesson learned and implementing it in our daily lives it creates self-assuredness and confidence. We are propelled forward to decisive victories that bring us one step closer to unison with our higher selves,

There are times however, where we feel we are trapped by our circumstances at the moment or we just feel like we are stagnating and not really moving forward and are simply roaming in nowhere.  However, while it may not seem like  it, It is at this time that the most personal growth and self-reflection is occurring.

A friend of mine posted the following quote on my Facebook wall that really rang true with me,

“Sometimes you find yourself in the middle of nowhere and sometimes in the middle of nowhere you find yourself.”

This quote made me realize even more the importance of using these times of “nowhereness” to our advantage by capitalizing on our gifts that we were born with.  To do so will bring us closer to finding ourselves and knowing our higher selves.  But I hear some of you saying, “But I have no gifts.”  This is an erroneously false statement!

We all have gifts that we utilize each and every day that we were born with and into which we place all our heart and soul.  The issue lays with recognizing the gifts and deciding to use them to our advantage to become the best person we can become.

Whatever the gift may be – healing, tarot, intuitive thought, art, writing – we must make a decision to use it to better those around us as well as help others realize their importance in society.  To not do so will create a degree of internal conflict that will be ever present until we consciously decide to embrace our gifts and use them to make the world a better place for all human kind.

So while it may appear that we are wallowing in a void of nothingness and feel like we are in the middle of nowhere with no visible clear direction in sight, it is our feelings of loss and confusion during this time that will bring forth many of the answers we seek.  We must explore all facets of ourselves and decide which of our gifts we are to focus on the most and will, as a result, be the predominant force and overriding energy in all that we undertake.

Do not lament your period of time in the land of nowhere.  Seize it, live it, and explore things you would never have thought of doing before.  It is a time that the universe accords all of us to enjoy ourselves a bit more and to use the creative energy that is within us all to the benefit of the broader good.

All we must do is simply decide to awaken to our gifts with a humbled heart, and play a role in bettering society for all its people for generations to come.  Awaken today…

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Vacation Within Yourself

By Jim Koury, Seeker of Inspirational Forces
© 2015 James R. Koury.  All Rights Reserved

Eyes_Wide_Open_PicWhile perusing Facebook one day as I usually do I noticed a post by a friend of mine that said “Taking a trip inside of your own mind is the best vacation that you can take.”  I shook myself when I read it, sat back in my chair and said “Wow!”

After thinking about it more after my initial exposure to it, I would have to say it probably is one of the most profound statements I had ever seen on Facebook.  It just rang so true with me given this amazing journey of self-exploration I have been on the past 19 months. 

The key to understanding who we actually are and finding the ability to connect  with our higher selves is discovering the knowledge that the answer to who we really are has been inside us all since the day we were born.  What better way to get inside ourselves and begin to set in motion the journey of self-discovery that awaits us all if we choose to embrace it is to vacation within ourselves!  Such an amazingly simple concept but yet so hard to understand and accept.

Many of us at one time in our lives looked outward for life’s answers thinking that living life would produce the knowledge we seek.  Most times this quest ends in a disappointing fashion with our frustration levels increased and still having not found that which we set out to find.

At some point many of us are influenced by someone or something we read or listened to that sparks the fire of self-knowledge that begins us on an amazing path of self-discovery.  Once lit the fire cannot be put out.  Once the flames are fanned by this initial burst of energy, there is no stopping our progress toward the ultimate goal of knowing our higher selves.  We begin to take vacations within ourselves because we understand that the knowledge we outwardly sought had been inside us all along.

Sadly some live their lives without ever getting on this journey within themselves.  They have opted to stay home and not vacation because they are comfortable with their familiar surroundings.  Their sense of discovery has been muted.

Once we begin to embark on the path that has been revealed to us many people will be presented to us along our way to help us to understand an issue, find a solution to a challenge or just provide further knowledge and wisdom about life and its many wonders.  I have spoken at great length about many of these people and how they helped me.  Recently I have met yet another individual that would help crystalize my vision more about my life’s purpose.

I have been unclear as to what this purpose is and how I begin to embrace it.  We cannot embrace something until we know what exactly it is we want to embrace!  Additional information we seek will be presented to us once we make an expression of desire to embrace our purpose.  I expressed that desire and it was not long before my newest experience was placed before me.

As a result, more detailed information about my purpose has been revealed to me in a most amazing fashion.  While I will not get into the details of this newest vacation within myself, I will say that it has profoundly impacted me and has given me additional direction on the steps I need to take to achieve my ultimate purpose – one that drives me and is burned so deeply into my heart that nothing can compel me away from it.

I am excited to embark on this next phase of my journey equipped with this new knowledge I have garnered.  Since leaving my position at City Hall 19 months ago, I have never been afraid to step out of my comfort zone and try new things.  My departure from a well paying municipal job was a huge, if not the hugest, jump out of any comfort zone I had ever known.  The risks have been minimal but the rewards have been great.  I have done things that I would probably never have done if I had stayed in the job I was in.  The vacations I have taken within myself most likely would not have happened either.  Therefore, I have no regrets, as this point in my life ignited a new spark of enthusiasm to learn much more about my direction and life’s purpose.

Yet another new beginning awaits me!  I am charging forward without hesitation, as I know deep in my heart that I am very close to meeting my higher self – the person that I could never have imagined being just a few short years ago.  I can only hope you all can awaken to what is within you and take the steps necessary to find your higher selves as well.

Happy vacationing!

Friday, February 13, 2015

The Power of Universal Inspiration

By Jim Koury, Seeker of Inspirational Forces
© 2015 James R. Koury.  All Rights Reserved


It is a characteristic of human nature that we tend to sometimes lament the lack of inspiration as well as rely on others to inspire us. We seek inspiration to undertake tasks and join movements from sources outside ourselves. When that inspiration does not come we tend to sit back and get comfortable again. We go on about our lives waiting in hopes that someone will come along and inspire us to do what we need to do.

Alas the inspiration sought from others usually does not come or if it does it is a false inspiration because it is based upon someone else’s vision and code of conduct. Inspiration must come from within oneself; from the depths of the soul that resides in each and every one of us. True inspiration, unique to each of us, is grounded in every individual’s internal framework. We just need to dig deep inside and find it and tap into its power.

Inspiration is “a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation.” True inspiration is that which will carry us to heights of achievement and greatness. It is grounded in divine influence. It must be ignited by tapping into the stream of universal power that surrounds us and links us all together as one entity that shall serve the common good. When our inspiration is grounded and motivated by universal power it is an unstoppable force and can benefit humanity in unimaginable ways.

Conversely when one’s inspiration is grounded in harming others to achieve selfish ends no good can come of it and only creates bad karma for the one utilizing negative inspiration. We have all been impacted by these types of people. When we come in contact with those whose inspiration is not grounded in divine influence it does not take long to figure out that this type of person is not who we want to be associated with or have inspire us and motivate us to action. It will only create internal conflict and harm others that come in contact with the aura of this negative inspirational influence.

It takes perseverance and a certain degree of strength to find the inspiration that we need that resides inside us. However, once found and we tap into its power we can use it to inspire others to action and to give them hope and confidence in themselves to achieve that which they do not believe they can undertake and achieve.

Having such influence on others is a powerful responsibility and one that should not be taken lightly. Once others sense and begin to rely on the aura of inspirational forces centered in divine influence surrounding us we have a duty to fulfill the mission that is being brought forth from within us and to impart it to others. Once the fire of divine inspiration spreads the face of humanity can be changed forever for the better.