By Jim Koury
As I sit and enjoy this marvelous evening I reflect upon time and how it is passing by so quickly like the sand in an hour glass. Yesterday was our today. Memories of so many past todays flip by in my mind and bring smiles to my face.
At the same time they cause an emotional burn upon my heart, as I yearn to reach back through time and bring those happy memories of a bygone era back to life to experience just one more time. I long to embrace those family members who have crossed over once again and tell them one more time how much I love them and to tell it to those that I did not say it to all that much.
The passage of time brings change and sometimes rips every last vestige of our safe and secure worlds from us that leaves an enduring scar upon our souls that never really heals. The pain and the longing for something that once was is always ever present within our conscious minds. However we know we can never reclaim the past but we keep it alive through our memories of people that once walked among us and of places and events that we enjoyed with those that now have gone to a realm of consciousness that we cannot comprehend.
I embrace my today, as I know it will become one of my yesterdays as quickly as the blink of an eye. It will be cast into the darkness of my memory, to be retrieved and looked fondly upon in a not too distant time and place.
The consolation is that we have the opportunity to experience more todays to create memories that we will grasp onto when they crumble into dust tomorrow. Do not waste precious time creating memories that will cause regret and sorrow later in life. Do today what will foster happy memories in our days of tomorrow.
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